It is quite a thrill to newly partner with a dear friend, Krysti, from my days in the NYC fashion industry. We both took huge left turns away from our corporate careers to pursuits smaller and more meaningful. Krysti infuses equal parts joy, curiosity, knowledge, and wonder into her wonderful herbal tea blends. Go deep with Krysti and her journey to Soul Topophilia.
Tell Us About Your Brand
The word “topophilia” relates to our feelings in a place, the interweb will produce results indicating it is about the love or emotional connection to a place. What made sense to me was our connection to self in that place and how we felt in those moments: whole and inspired, safe and nourished physically and emotionally grounded. I can think of the time, location, smell, climate, topography, and a certain kind of elated connectedness I felt. When I conjured that moment, it was this deep connection to self and space. It also made sense to me that we need support along the way.
Krysti at Home: Mug & Light in Brooklyn
What Is Your Inspiration?
As I studied Spiritual Herbalism, the word topophilia was a name I had given another project, that was on pause. Working with plants is a journey of self.
It is often hard to explain how things connect for me, but one day it just clicked: SOUL TOPOPHILIA. This made complete sense to me. Herbs and plants are our allies. They have tremendous healing powers and offer support for all aspects of our lives.
The connection of herbs and plants, to self, in the spirit of loving where we are on our journey intertwined, is the essence of Soul Topophilia. One day during a meditation “alchemize yourself” popped into my head and I thought “YES! That is what happens when we use herbs and plants to support ourselves.” It became my tagline.
Krysti LA Commute: My sometimes breakfast
How Do You Show Love To Yourself?
In so many ways! I sometimes wonder if I take too much time for myself. I have many routines, some would say rituals. I have tea every morning of my life and have since childhood. I never drank coffee (or beer for that matter) because I could never acquire a taste for it. I journal often during that time. I meditate for twenty minutes right when I wake up on most days. I walk and bike, sometimes both daily and for hours. Nature is my deepest connection.
Krysti in Joshua Tree: I sometimes use a “Daily Sculpture” practice. This is a small piece I made of found materials, which is my Art practice
How Did You Get Here?
My journey with plants started in childhood on a farm in Pennsylvania. My grandparents always had a huge garden and a pile of mint grew under my grandparents’ bedroom window. We would always have spearmint tea during summer.
As an adult, I found myself cleaning out urban backyards and planting herbs and flowers everywhere I lived: Jersey City, San Francisco, Arkansas (I planted vegetables too), and now in Brooklyn. The period when I didn’t have plants was the most challenging decade of my life. Once I moved to my current location, I was reconnected to plants and herbs. Things started to show up, or maybe I should say, I started to realize how often herbs, herbal medicine, and programs, were showing up.
It was the most honest and sincere thing I did when I applied to be an Apprentice in my Spiritual Herbalism program. The “Spiritual” part relates to a whole-person approach to caring for oneself. Often it isn’t that taking care of someone’s gut problem is the thing to address, but rather asking the question: what is going on? It is almost guaranteed there is some other stressor causing the gut problem. We are taught about the bodily systems (nervous, circulatory, etc.) and the emotions stored in those areas. When I make custom blends it is through these understandings that I develop a custom tea blend for someone.
Krysti in Paris: My favorite lunch and my favorite non-herbal tea
What Is Your Favorite Love Song?
Where Is the Love? By Black Eyed Peas